Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Bus Scale

Hhahah if you are over weight or havent gone to the gym in a while and insecure about your health... do not take the bus in the Netherlands... Once you sit on the bus stop the glass monitor beside you tells you how much you weigh.. hahaha
What a great way to motivate people... to either go to the gym or get a damn job and afford a car.
source: geekologie
Day @ the GETTY with Crys...
The Getty was sooo fun.. went with my baby and it was a sight to see. The garden was beautiful and if your into sculptures, paintings and photography you'd like it here as well.
I tried to get a lil artsy with my photos.. here are some... what you think? lol what a amateur !!!
After the Getty, i treated my girl to some Diddy Reise Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches in Westwood!!! Bananas !!!

I tried to get a lil artsy with my photos.. here are some... what you think? lol what a amateur !!!
After the Getty, i treated my girl to some Diddy Reise Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches in Westwood!!! Bananas !!!
Funniest Prank Made On Parents !!!
"Rory McInnes, 18, inspired by a television program he watched about Google Earth, climbed onto his parent's roof and painted a 60-foot phallus with a bucket of white paint. It took his parents over a year to discover the shlong, and now Rory "will have to scrub it off when he gets back from traveling"
This is tooooo damn funny... i'd prolly do this to a homies pad... hahahaha
Source: BBC NewsRandom...
Me and Crys went to Frying Fish, a sushi spot 2 weeks ago i'd say around but found this pic and decided to post it up. We were at Pop Killer in J-Town and she put on these 70s shades... lol
what a cutie.
New Fence @ Parents House
My pop's been wanting a fence rebuilt for over 6 years now and he finally got it done... here are the pictures from the construction...
Day 1
P90X: Day 1 (prep)
So I was going to start my Day 1 for P90x today but it seems like a day for prepping.
I had to read up on how the whole system works. Its a 90 week process, and they say its not easy. I also had to get some equipment to be better prepared as well.
Things i need are dumbells, resistance band, pull up bar and push up stands but ill just use the Iron Gym for those last 2.
I also need to set my diet right as well. I measured my body fat and i have 13% body fat.
I'mma head off to Big 5 right now and get my essential tools... Lets GO !!!
I had to read up on how the whole system works. Its a 90 week process, and they say its not easy. I also had to get some equipment to be better prepared as well.
Things i need are dumbells, resistance band, pull up bar and push up stands but ill just use the Iron Gym for those last 2.
I also need to set my diet right as well. I measured my body fat and i have 13% body fat.
I'mma head off to Big 5 right now and get my essential tools... Lets GO !!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Poppin Tags and Unemployed !!! My New Motto

Vans Chili Pepper Slip Ons

Supra Skytop Greys
So yesterday i went on a lil spree. i dunno why but i just had the urge. i know i shouldnt have buuuuuuuut, i needed a fix.
These two were the only ones i have pixes of, but i also got some tees from American Apparel and some jackets and flannels... f' it! lol
T-Mobile's Wack !!!
I just found out that i could blog thru my mobile device and not have to wait till i get home!!! but then! i found out that t-mobile is the only carrier that aren't ok with the blogger mobile on the device... so sad!!!
wouldve been dope to blog on the go... o well... f u tmobile get it fixed !!! or die!!!!
wouldve been dope to blog on the go... o well... f u tmobile get it fixed !!! or die!!!!
New Music/Style: Lupe Fiasco of Japanese Cartoon

Lupe Fiasco started a new group i'm guessing is based out of Japan only cause of the name of the band, but i could be wrong.
Japanese Cartoon - Crowd Participation
Different but not bad. Enjoy!
Here you go Marco! Sorry it took a while for me to post it
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Working Late Nights???

Dedicated to Marco, Graveyard shifters, Harvey...
I found your solution.
This piece was made by a Polish designer by the name of Maja Ganszyniec.
It's a 3 piece Tie, Sleeve, and Colar outfit so no matter how you knock out... Ull be GOOD !!!
It looks very suspicious, especially the tie, but if you can play it off... you the man.
Good Night. ZzZZzzZzzz
Source: DVice
1 Way to Get your Girl to LOVE YOU 4Ever...
1. Take her to Lake Calcasieu in Louisiana.
2. Bring 2 wetsuits (one for you and for your girl)
3. Go swimming with A pink bottlenosed dolphin.

Guaranteed 4ever Lovin.
Source: Daily Mail
1. Take her to Lake Calcasieu in Louisiana.
2. Bring 2 wetsuits (one for you and for your girl)
3. Go swimming with A pink bottlenosed dolphin.

Guaranteed 4ever Lovin.
Source: Daily Mail
Studio Art Majors = Freaks !!!

Found this article... It basically shows a percentage of how many virgins there are compared against what major you are taking during college.
Kinda funny, i know someones gonna find this certain blog useful and head to the nearest college.
I can see it now... Open Internet Program > Go to Who Is Rich Blog > See Studio Art Majors = Freaks !!! Blog >Eyes Wide Open > Grab Keys > Drive to nearby college > Run to the Student Art Department > Scream "helllloooooo ladies!!!"
Whoever does this... you are one horny m*f*cka. lol
Fresh Gotta Haves: YEEZY's GLOW IN THE DARKS

Ok OK OK !!! of all the Yeezy's that will be releasing this year... i think i just found my favorite....
Introducing: (drum roll)
The Mr. Glow in the Dark Yeezys !!!
Everyone that knows me, knows..., that i love black... but damn... fresh.
Yes they are gotta haves.
Release date: unknown
Source: Complex Mag

My Epiphany...
EPIPHANY - (Definition): 1. A divine manifestation 2. The sudden realization or comprehension of the (larger) essence or meaning of something.
In my words, it is finding the inner light and the last piece of the puzzle and NOW seeing the WHOLE PICTURE.
Although i may have thought that i knew exactly what to do in the past, but in all actuality it was just 3/4ths of understanding the whole picture. Mistakes turn into perfection taking the right direction and moving forward into a proper dimension. I know it sounds like i'm speaking as if i'm on def poetry jam, but i think i'm making sense.
Let's just say my trip to Vegas on Monday was my Epiphany. It basically showed me the direction i needed to take with my girl, Crystal, and my life, doing what i do. Basically valueing (if thats even a word) or should i say knowing what is most important to me and taking care of it correctly. I know it may sound crazy to alot of people that i had my Epiphany in Vegas but to put it in a nutshell, i basically saw first hand how life would be without *Her* and of all places to be at, a club in Vegas... I know many won't understand fully where i am coming from but it shook out all the skeletons out of my closet per sae.
It doesn't hurt to be truthful and be open. That's all it takes. No matter what you do in life, if you do have a significant other, be open with her. Tell her everything and not only what you want her to hear but also what you don't want her to hear. Very important piece of the puzzle, i'd say...
Being Open = Confidence = Trust.
Take notes. All you love birds going on your first year (honeymoon stage) pay attention. You will go thru this as i have and made it thru.
i love you baby

J. Holiday - It's Yours
I'm yours Crystal. It's Yours. :)
In my words, it is finding the inner light and the last piece of the puzzle and NOW seeing the WHOLE PICTURE.
Although i may have thought that i knew exactly what to do in the past, but in all actuality it was just 3/4ths of understanding the whole picture. Mistakes turn into perfection taking the right direction and moving forward into a proper dimension. I know it sounds like i'm speaking as if i'm on def poetry jam, but i think i'm making sense.
Let's just say my trip to Vegas on Monday was my Epiphany. It basically showed me the direction i needed to take with my girl, Crystal, and my life, doing what i do. Basically valueing (if thats even a word) or should i say knowing what is most important to me and taking care of it correctly. I know it may sound crazy to alot of people that i had my Epiphany in Vegas but to put it in a nutshell, i basically saw first hand how life would be without *Her* and of all places to be at, a club in Vegas... I know many won't understand fully where i am coming from but it shook out all the skeletons out of my closet per sae.
It doesn't hurt to be truthful and be open. That's all it takes. No matter what you do in life, if you do have a significant other, be open with her. Tell her everything and not only what you want her to hear but also what you don't want her to hear. Very important piece of the puzzle, i'd say...
Being Open = Confidence = Trust.
Take notes. All you love birds going on your first year (honeymoon stage) pay attention. You will go thru this as i have and made it thru.
i love you baby

J. Holiday - It's Yours
I'm yours Crystal. It's Yours. :)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Here it HERE 1st: Cassie

Cassie feat. Diddy - Must Be Love
Ol School Song of the Day: 50 Cent

The ol' 50 was ill. The new 50 is trash.
Here's one of my faves especially since it got my name on it:
50 Cent - Poor Lil' Rich
"You wrist Bling Bling, my WRIST BLING BLAAWWW!"
Baby Born with 2 PENIS'? Crazy!!!
This is crazy... A kid from Russia and to think ONE IS NOT ENOUGH??? Jesus hooked this kid up!
Here's the article:
The child, named only as Artyom G, was born two weeks ago after a normal pregnancy in which medics did not detect any problems.But he has now undergone hours of complicated surgery at St Vladimir’s Children’s Clinical Hospital. The boy was rushed from his maternity hospital to the specialist Moscow clinic where he underwent the length operation to join the two penises. “The surgery was complicated. We had to form one penis out of two, make the abdominal wall and create a bladder,” said a doctor involved in the five hour operation. “When our colleagues asked for help we said yes immediately but we couldn’t imagine the case would be so complicated.” According the The Sun, the hospital said that the baby is now in good health and the surgery a complete success. “He will grow into a normal man and be able to have kids,” the doctor added. In June last year, a baby was born with a second penis on his back. The baby was born to farmer dad Li Jun, 30, and his unnamed wife, who live in Hejian city in central China’s Henan province - the rare condition is called fetus in fetu.
Too bad it got fixed... he couldve been a major trillionaire porn star...
source: Telegraph
Here's the article:
The child, named only as Artyom G, was born two weeks ago after a normal pregnancy in which medics did not detect any problems.But he has now undergone hours of complicated surgery at St Vladimir’s Children’s Clinical Hospital. The boy was rushed from his maternity hospital to the specialist Moscow clinic where he underwent the length operation to join the two penises. “The surgery was complicated. We had to form one penis out of two, make the abdominal wall and create a bladder,” said a doctor involved in the five hour operation. “When our colleagues asked for help we said yes immediately but we couldn’t imagine the case would be so complicated.” According the The Sun, the hospital said that the baby is now in good health and the surgery a complete success. “He will grow into a normal man and be able to have kids,” the doctor added. In June last year, a baby was born with a second penis on his back. The baby was born to farmer dad Li Jun, 30, and his unnamed wife, who live in Hejian city in central China’s Henan province - the rare condition is called fetus in fetu.
Too bad it got fixed... he couldve been a major trillionaire porn star...
source: Telegraph
Food: LaLa's Grill

Took the gf here last Thursday... Great atmosphere and good food.
It's an Argentinian Grill off of Melrose Blvd.
I got the Chicken over Garlic and Basil. Sooo good...
I recommend this spot to anyone... its a great lunch spot and sexier night dinner date spot.
La La's Argentine Grill
7229 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90046. Tel (323) 934 6838

MacBook Modded Front Logo
This guy modded his MacBook so he can display whatever he wants on the Apple Logo on the cover. Its basically another LCD screen so he has it setup so you can put any visual you want on it. Kinda cool... i guess...
1st Installment of the Air Yeezies !!!

Release date is set for April. This might have to be a must buy for me...
Nike Air Yeezy Zen Grey
source: Deadstock Don
Iron Gym... effective? Well see....
"Wanna get strong? Wanna get lean? Wanna get Ripped?" - Iron Gym lol
So i bought this at Target for $30 last week and i finally opened it this morning... during the New Week New Me Celebration...
Let's see how dedicated i am regarding his.
Also, me and my boy randolf are competing on a friendly bet for $200 on who has a better stomach by 2010. We both have been indulging too much on bad eating habits and have gained massive weight on that section of the body. I think it'll be good for us and a motivation to get it crackin and stay healthy.
Lets go People...
Here's the infomercial in regards to the "IRON GYM."
So i bought this at Target for $30 last week and i finally opened it this morning... during the New Week New Me Celebration...
Let's see how dedicated i am regarding his.
Also, me and my boy randolf are competing on a friendly bet for $200 on who has a better stomach by 2010. We both have been indulging too much on bad eating habits and have gained massive weight on that section of the body. I think it'll be good for us and a motivation to get it crackin and stay healthy.
Lets go People...
Here's the infomercial in regards to the "IRON GYM."
New Week... New Me...
Lately i've been suffering from the "lazy disorder." Now its time for a change. I've been sleeping late and waking up late and its starting to effect my progress in life. Ever since i got laid off a month ago this is how its been. I haven't been going to the gym, and i feel like everytime i wake up, half of the day is over.
Now i have a new daily routine...
9am or earlier: Wake up
915: make kona coffee
930: oatmeal
10am: blog
1030: iron gym
12pm: 24 hr fitness
Lets see if i can keep this consistent...
instead of doing all of that starting at 12pm ill be done with all of that by 12 and i can start my hustle for the rest of the day.
"Lets go people!" - Diddy
...And the best part is... you'll be seeing more blogs from me like the usual days.
Welcome back all... and i'd like to welcome myself back as well.
get em!
Now i have a new daily routine...
9am or earlier: Wake up
915: make kona coffee
930: oatmeal
10am: blog
1030: iron gym
12pm: 24 hr fitness
Lets see if i can keep this consistent...
instead of doing all of that starting at 12pm ill be done with all of that by 12 and i can start my hustle for the rest of the day.
"Lets go people!" - Diddy
...And the best part is... you'll be seeing more blogs from me like the usual days.
Welcome back all... and i'd like to welcome myself back as well.
get em!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Check me out on this segment made by Youth Radio... I'm at the very end !!! dope!!!
KOGI's BBQ !!!
Add them on Twitter so you can find them
It is crackin !!!! Trust !!!
KOGI's BBQ !!!
Add them on Twitter so you can find them
It is crackin !!!! Trust !!!
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