Monday, August 10, 2009

Poker Randomness...

About 2 or was it 3 weeks ago we had our usual poker night at Hollyvista Holdem aka Skratchy's pad on a Sunday Nite.

Just so happen the left of the table was losing ridiculous money and was getting very restless. So my "on super tilt" cousin was like "f this! Who's down to down a beer right now." Out of about 8 people only 5 were down leaving the 3 pussies: Pat N, Marco and Harvey. Harvey, I understand, because he didn't drink, but the other two were just pussies. But then they started saying, if Harvey did it they would. And with lil persuading Harvey agreed and we all downed the beer. So random. Lucky for 2 people, only 2 beers were cold and the rest had warm beers. But to my luck, the warm beers were easier to down. Good times.

Btw, after 30 minutes, we all decided to do it again! Yes we were on tilt. well some of us...

Good times yet again.

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