Last nights episode of Lost was dope...
Here's a good theory from "Lost Easter Eggs" that i found interesting:
Daniel’s main mantra for this season has been, “Whatever happened, happened”. Direct translation you cannot change the future. I think he found an error in this scientific principle while studying in Ann Arbor Michigan. In fact, I think he was pushed to WANT to change the future the moment Charlotte died. And how will he do this? With the one person who CAN alter the future, Desmond!
Charlotte died because she came back to the island. She left in the past because in 1977 Daniel Faraday (while time traveling) told her she needs to leave and creeps out her mother enough that they are on the first sub off the island. So if Charlotte leaves she can’t die now right? WRONG, Charlotte’s inquisitive nature will lead to her becoming an anthropologist that’s cause and mission attracts the eye of Charles Widmore. Widmore, wanting to rediscover the island himself hires Charlotte for her mission, bringing her back to the island. Then she dies. So how will Daniel change this?
If the Hatch never malfunctioned because of Desmond releasing the electromagnetic energy at the exact moment flight 815 was flying overhead then they never would have crashed. If they never crashed, the sequence of events that played out for 108 days leading Jack to call the freighter and bring Charlotte on island would have never happened and she would have never died!
So how did Oceanic Flight 815 get there? Remember how Eloise Hawking pinpointed when the island would appear under Flight 316? Maybe she did the same for flight 815! Remember how Matthew Abbadon told Locke that he made sure people were where they were SUPPOSED to be for Widmore? Well maybe he ushered others onto flight 815 for Widmore. So does this mean Eloise Hawking was working with her former island lover Charles Widmore to make sure history happened in 2004 and Flight 815 would crash with every one who was supposed to be on board? I certainly think so!
So Hawking and Widmore want the crash of 815 to lead Charles back to the island and so that the universe will do what it is SUPPOSED to do according to Ellie. Daniel wants to change things for no other reason than to prevent Charlotte from ending up back on island and dying.
So how will Daniel try to thwart 815 from crashing and changing history? By destroying the Hatch that led them there. Do you recall there was a heavy layer of cement below ground when Jack and Sayid were exploring it in season 2? Do remember when Daniel told Alpert to cover the leaking Jughead bomb with cement? This leads me to believe that the Swan Hatch is being built over the Jughead bomb and Daniel knows this. If he destroys the Hatch in “the Incident” than it will never exist and its electromagnetic burst will never happen and the plane will never crash and the freighter will never come and Charlotte will never die!
So why was Daniel crying at the beginning of Season 4 when we first met him? Because at that point he realized he failed to change the past and Oceanic Flight 815 still crashed! He prevented nothing!
Charlotte died because she came back to the island. She left in the past because in 1977 Daniel Faraday (while time traveling) told her she needs to leave and creeps out her mother enough that they are on the first sub off the island. So if Charlotte leaves she can’t die now right? WRONG, Charlotte’s inquisitive nature will lead to her becoming an anthropologist that’s cause and mission attracts the eye of Charles Widmore. Widmore, wanting to rediscover the island himself hires Charlotte for her mission, bringing her back to the island. Then she dies. So how will Daniel change this?
If the Hatch never malfunctioned because of Desmond releasing the electromagnetic energy at the exact moment flight 815 was flying overhead then they never would have crashed. If they never crashed, the sequence of events that played out for 108 days leading Jack to call the freighter and bring Charlotte on island would have never happened and she would have never died!
So how did Oceanic Flight 815 get there? Remember how Eloise Hawking pinpointed when the island would appear under Flight 316? Maybe she did the same for flight 815! Remember how Matthew Abbadon told Locke that he made sure people were where they were SUPPOSED to be for Widmore? Well maybe he ushered others onto flight 815 for Widmore. So does this mean Eloise Hawking was working with her former island lover Charles Widmore to make sure history happened in 2004 and Flight 815 would crash with every one who was supposed to be on board? I certainly think so!
So Hawking and Widmore want the crash of 815 to lead Charles back to the island and so that the universe will do what it is SUPPOSED to do according to Ellie. Daniel wants to change things for no other reason than to prevent Charlotte from ending up back on island and dying.
So how will Daniel try to thwart 815 from crashing and changing history? By destroying the Hatch that led them there. Do you recall there was a heavy layer of cement below ground when Jack and Sayid were exploring it in season 2? Do remember when Daniel told Alpert to cover the leaking Jughead bomb with cement? This leads me to believe that the Swan Hatch is being built over the Jughead bomb and Daniel knows this. If he destroys the Hatch in “the Incident” than it will never exist and its electromagnetic burst will never happen and the plane will never crash and the freighter will never come and Charlotte will never die!
So why was Daniel crying at the beginning of Season 4 when we first met him? Because at that point he realized he failed to change the past and Oceanic Flight 815 still crashed! He prevented nothing!