Friday, January 9, 2009

8 Home Hotspots for Cold and Flu Germs

Trying to avoid getting a cold or flu? There are some spots around your pad that got mad germs floating around... I found this article on and i found it interesting... i dont think no one likes getting sick i figured people would be interested in it...

  1. Refridgerator Door Handle - "A study, done by scientists at the University of Virginia, found that about 40 percent of the time refrigerator doors and handles were positive for cold germs."
  2. Remote Controller - Scientists found that cold sufferers often leave their germs there, where they can live for two days or longer.
  3. Dish Washer Handle - It's definitely not the cleanest surface in your house either, with three out of four dishwasher handles testing positive for cold germs.
  4. Bathroom Faucets - Bathroom faucets ranked near the top of the most contaminated surfaces, with eight out of 10 faucets testing positive.
  5. Light Switches - Three out of 13 light switches tested positive for cold germs.
  6. Salt & Pepper Shakers - For the study, researchers started with salt and pepper shakers owned by 30 adults showing early symptoms of colds. Sixteen tested positive for rhinovirus, which causes about half of all colds. For the study, participants were asked to name several places in their homes they had touched in the preceding 18 hours, and researchers used DNA tests to hunt for rhinovirus.
  7. Door Knobs - Well, the study found those were loaded with germs too. In fact, six out of 18 doorknobs they tested were contaminated.
  8. Phones - Talking on the phone may also be hazardous to your health. Scientists say four out of seven phones tested were contaminated. So, no matter where you are or what you touch in your house, make sure you keep that antibacterial cleaner close by. If you don't, you might just catch a nasty cold.
Crazy... and thats just in your house... i would just add my watch and myself for #9&10... cuz "My Watch Sick...MuthaF*cka I'm Ill." - Weezy

Stay healthy yall. get em.

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