Monday, December 29, 2008

My New Fish Tank

Euro Style 5 Gallon Fish Tank w/Heater and Thermometer

Meet Boris and Cloris (Panda Cori Catfish)

Meet Zenny, Jenny, Remy, Penny and Benny
Cardinal Neon Tetras

My new hobby. Crystal named the Tetras and I named the Catfishes. I named one of em Boris cause he's really boring. He doesn't really do much but sleep near the heater. haha so BORING, hence, BORis.

RIP Glenny and Kenny (Cardinal Neon Tetras) and Mini Puffer Rupert (Skratchy's Fish)

Can't wait to get new fishes and plants!!!

Thanks John and Joey for your help!

Get em cuz I Got Em!

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